CMV: It would be better for everyone to have a higher barrier to entry for gender/sex reassignment and a more narrow definition of what it means to be transgender

I don't think it's unreasonable for you to present ID when applying for women's social programs, for example.

I mean they could probably just look you up so at that point an ID may not even be necessary but sure I agree it's not an unreasonable requirement. What are we referring to with womens social programs specifically?

Also how would the sex on your ID work? Can you get it changed at some point in transition, you didn't really speak to the point about saying trans women are women but then saying a women is a adult female so I'm not really sure where you stand on this.

One of your highlighted statements was "A trans woman should be defined as “an adult male who has completed the sex reassignment process.”"

But at that point, given that "male: would mean "adult male human", are you not basically saying "women are men". Unless you mean "someone who used to be an adult male and has completed transition to female".

/r/changemyview Thread Parent