CMV: As a young white man in America, I feel worthless, disconnected from and hated by women/minorities, and – though I want equality – unwelcome in the conversation.

why do you have to make everything about categories and especially colour? the idea that because some white people (especially males) are racist and behave reprehensibly is therefore reflected on you because of your race and sex is racism. i'm a gay male and I lived with a black friend for about 15 years. we both fought for gay rights here in canada and from my perspective on social justice you guys are doing it so wrong. a movement based on anger and finger pointing and exclusion is the long hard way to equality. what i'm going to say next is very advanced and will probably go over most people's heads but you all need a lot more joy and fun and inclusion in your movements. stop buying into every fashionable social justice idea. some of them are actually wrong believe it or not. yes they mean well but fighting hatred and exclusion with hatred and exclusion will not work. you'll see eventually...

/r/changemyview Thread