CNN and the Clinton Foundation — partners in fake news

I'm willing to bet you're all about shitting on Fox News, but won't admit that CNN is exactly the same.

How much money are you looking to put on that?

Look, you provide 3 sources, I appreciate that. But then you want to fling insults at someone you know literally nothing about. Which, rather than making me want to engage in reasoned dialogue with you, kind of makes me want to tell you to fuck off.

But since I'm a sucker, I clicked on the bottom link, where it becomes immediately clear that you have no actual idea what you're talking about. That's Jake Tapper linking to a New York Times Article, and the tweet displays the title of that article - which, again, is a New York Times article, and not published by CNN.

The twitter user then lambasts Tapper for the headline of the article, despite the face that the article that offends them is by MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUM

Then, just to put a bow on this nonsensical attack, try googling the phrase "bannon says the media should keep" and take a look at just how many news outlets decided to go with a similar headline to the New York Times article. I don't personally find anything misleading about this title, but many respectable outlets decided to use it.

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