CNN fires contributor Marc Lamont Hill for criticising Israel

Again, neither does Israel. Blindly repeating Israel’s talking points is not a substitute for evidence.

Israel uses leaflets, auto-dialers, text messages, direct phone calls and finally low-yield round to warn civilians likely to be harmed by strikes targeting Hamas. You are refusing to acknowledge the reality that Israel is the most moral army and incurs the lowest rate of collateral damage of all Western states. Meanwhile Hamas takes every action to exacerbate collateral damage and that's of no concern to you at all because it would mean attributing responsibility for the violence and suffering to your vaunted 'underdogs'.

That’s not true. Hamas has been seeking negotiations for sometime. Netanyahu says there will be no two state solution.

Hamas has been seeking a 'Hudna', a long term period with which to rearm before reengaging in hostilities because that's how Moe used to roll back in antiquity.

Yes they chose to break the law. Nevertheless the PLO accept the two state solution as called on by 242 about ten years later. Yet the occupation continued.

Israel, like other states that come into possession of territory through a defensive war were entitled to keep the territory until peace was achieved. Israel didn't seize 'Palestinian' territory it seized Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian territory, the former two ceded their claims over the territory to the Palestinians and had refused to take it back when offered. You're lying again.

And they could do it again. So they’re defensible. Problem solved.

At the present they are. Being in possession of the Golan heights denies Syria unfettered access to a launchpad for artillery strikes. The Jordan valley provides a natural barrier as well. If Israel returns to the '67 borders it would be easy for Arab states to bifurcate Israel which is why those borders are indefensible. Stop being obtuse.

That’s all nonsense. Israel isn’t a safe place for Jews. It never has been. America is the safest place Jews have ever known.

Israel is same from cultural assimilation if not violence.

Well neither has Israel so let’s not cast stones.

Israel has acknowledged the consequences of history and have sought to address them in multiple instances through a negotiated peace agreement, the Arab League has not. Stop lying.

Just the ravings of a racist lunatic.

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