CNN’s Coverage of Sanders Was 3X More Negative Than Biden Following Their Big Primary Wins. A tale of two media narratives.

18-25 year olds make up 16% of the electorate and overall accounted for 13% of cast ballots. An excellent turnout.

That is the exact OPPOSITE of excellent turnout. For one thing, that group leans HEAVILY towards the Democrats. They should make up MORE than 16% of primary turnout because Democrats are on average younger than Republicans and so a higher percentage of them are under 25. Worse still, that's turnout when there's a candidate whose entire case for electability is that he can cause unprecedented youth turnout. Bernie claims that he can make a wave election happen among millenials and Gen Z. Having his turnout from that group not increase at all versus his 2016 run is a devestating blow to his campaign.

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