The Co-Optional Podcast Ep. 109 ft. Ross Scott [strong language] - February 4, 2016

I have to say, I agree with TB's general opinions on the Fine Bros. wholeheartedly. Like he said, they are 'talentless hacks' that got popular using a shtick that requires no creativity on their part.

However, I don't think there's a need or reason to attack their looks. Now before you say "but TB doesn't mind people attacking him for his looks", that's really not the point. The saying 'treat others as would have them treat you' is not that literal. Sure, TB doesn't mind being criticised for his looks, but that doesn't mean that the Fine Bros don't mind. Sure, they probably don't care, but as far as I know, they've never said "I don't care about people criticising my looks" like TB did.

But look, even if you consider it ok to just insult people for how they look for no reason. It helps yourself to shut the fuck up about it. Because imagine that for some reason the Fine Bros. watched this podcast to see what TotalBiscuit thinks about what they've done, and their mistakes. TB made a lot of good points that they should heed, but they never would, because why the fuck would they continue watching after he opened with 'they look like bugs'. Whoever you are, whatever you're saying, if that's your opening line, you can be arguing that 'murder is bad'; and by the end, I won't agree with you because I won't have listened because I assumed you were just another internet troll looking for a response.

Let me put it another way: we can't know if someone's truly trolling, or has a controversial opinion unless it's obvious. But here's how you identify the troll: are the points they're making relevant? Do they add to their argument, or the conversation in general? What is the purpose of what they're saying?

So I ask the people defending TB attacking their looks, what did TB achieve by attacking their looks? What was the purpose of doing that?

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