Co-worker admits to Hillary's crooked ways, says he'd rather have a president that accepts bribes etc to keep the peace. How the Hell do I respond to that?

No more undocumented workers means that local workers and our beloved legal immigrants can finally be paid a minimum wage or more. They can get full time contracts, because there are no exploited illegal workers anymore to undercut minimum wage and safety regulations etc. Closing borders and raising tariffs means that it will again be profitable to produce products in the US. It will again be profitable to produce quality goods, instead of importing rip offs out of third world countries made by child labour. This will mean that uneducated Americans can again get full time jobs! With contracts and steady pay. They start to pay taxes and contributing to society, instead of being trapped in part time service jobs and food stamps or worse: criminality and prison time. There will again be entry level jobs, where no 5 year experience is needed for young graduates. People can finally think about a future again, buy houses, better themselves and their families through their working experience and paying for studies themselves. They can move up the social ladder by hard honest hard work, not just by networking and using their elbows. This is the bright, positive but very realistic future Trump promises and I hope someone in my country will stand up and do the same. Soon!

/r/AskThe_Donald Thread