Coach a Player - March 2021

Online username: chickenblender (for both lichess and chess com)

Rating: 1500 rapid / 1800 lichess rapid (have never played OTB tournaments)

Willing to teach: Anyone >400 points under my own rating. I'm relatively new to the game in my early 40s, so I know the struggle! I'm willing to review games and to try to teach any aspect of the game. My playing style is attacking/aggressive. My own openings for white include the Danish gambit/Goring gambit, the Smith-Morra gambit, and the Blackmar-Diemer gambit. For black, I play the French defense, the Modern Scandinavian, the Albin countergambit, and I'm working on the Slav. My openings tend to be stronger than my middle and end games. I would be especially good at teaching you how to develop your own opening system.

Timezone/Schedule: I could teach around noon and early afternoon EST. Days of the week are variable and could include weekdays and weekends.

Method of communication: DM me on reddit to start with. I am most familiar with videoconferencing on Skype, but can probably learn other methods.

/r/chess Thread