(CODENAME: S.O.C.K.) Mod Team was approached by several news agencies. We don’t feel comfortable speaking on your behalf. So we have a mission for you, should you choose to accept it… ***cue Mission Impossible music***

I would tell them directly that retail investors are disgusted at the bias toward hedge funds who will lose big due to abusing their power and did repulsive things in January to completely manipulate the market and put millions of retail investors at risk as they have been doing for over a decade.

Weed out the important information for outsiders that we know is 100% proven and public information, if they want an article on what's actually happening.

I personally don't believe they will ever show gme holders the proper respect, though I think any form of sudden interest that shows its not a conspiracy theory, and that NOBODY is selling but stock can somehow drop 30% on no news is wonderful as long as it's not manipulated in their favour. I would make that very clear in any connection, set the ground, redditors will not tolerate their words being fucked with.

/r/Superstonk Thread