Cody Rhodes: “Pro immigration speak and love for the circumstances my daughter was born under somehow equals weird maga murica nonsense to weirdos on this app. Keep bitching online and I’ll just keep loving life. Peace.”

Yeah it was 100% something from an american liberal perspective (Biden style liberal to be clear, so centrist/centre-right by european standards). It's just that that type of American liberal is still kind of uncomfortably patriotic/nationalistic to a lot of people, especially those of us abroad.

It just lacked so much nuance on the topic of race (not that i expect deep critiques of systemic racism from my wrestling but if you can't handle the topic well maybe don't broach it) and so weirdly pitted good America against bad UK as if Europe doesn't have way better systems to encourage social mobility in general.

Was just really tone deaf, not actively trying to be harmful.

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