Codysun: I lost my job.

Yeah no doubt. I've witnessed psychedelic induced psychosis and depending on the severity of the mental state I've even seen psychosis induced by marijuana.

I think the problem is that a lot of people who take psychedelics like lsd take it with the intention of "getting high and seeing weird colors" and they do little to no research on what to expect and methods for coping if they start getting a negative experience. I've noticed from my personal use that bad trips happen more often for me when I do a solo trip compared to with friends. I think when alone I'm much more likely to reminisce, revisit past trauma, and get stuck in negative thought loops.

I think my stance on bad trips has changed over the years though. I think as long as someone's mental state is stable and they don't have any underlying mental illnesses, bad trips actually carry a lot of insight. My greatest breakthroughs in personal developement have always come after a bad trip. For me personally, my bad trips have always revolved around my relationship with my father, my lack of healthy relationships with people close to me, and my fear of commitment. I think most of this stems from when my parents got divorced when I was really young and I just buried it over the years. I feel like I might have never addressed these issues had it not been for these bad trips. Before experiencing them I thought I was in a pretty solid place, I had a full-time job, I hung out with my friends, and also played games like league with them. Whenever I felt down I just assumed it was stress from work and I would smoke a joint, order fast food, and game with the boys. I feel like I could have easily lived my whole life like that, going from one dopamine hit to the next. This is kind of long but I thought I'd share on the off chance that someone can benefit from my perspective.

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