COIN MEGA-THREAD. Get your questions answered here, or have a general discussion about it.

r/pokemongoDiscussion [Discussion] What are some different settings to improve current gym play u/princelyryno Add "return Pokémon" button so they aren't held hostage and we can be rewarded/collect more then random times they're knocked out.

Give a 5 coin bonus for defeating a gym (or 1 coin for each Pokémon taken down). Right now the gyms are stagnant as there is no immediate incentive try to clear them. Currently I wait until I walk by a gym in my color, pop a low cp mon in there, and cross my fingers that he lasts enough to get coins, but hopefully no longer than the day I put him in.

When I click on a raid boss from a few blocks away, I'd like to know how many people are in the lobby to do battle. If I see 3-4 people for a raid 4 boss, I'll run there. Otherwise, I just end up wasting raid passes like the last 3 days.

Get rid of motivation for Pokémon. Right now you have to feed your mons berries so they stay at full strength, and stand some small chance in battle. In the meantime you can't get any coins keeping them in a gym, so let their motivation drop. Other team rolls in and crushes the non motivated gym....why did I feed them berries again (stardust and a long shot at a candy don't outweigh getting 50 coins).

Bump coin limit back up to 100 coins.

/r/pokemongo Thread