Why is college so hard?

It's not.

I wasn't a star student. I graduated high school with a 96%, thought I was the smartest motherfucker around. Didn't study or take notes a day for two years in college because after all I'm a smart motherfucker. I barely passed, for two years. Until I received an email like "hey, no registration for you. Come see the dean, you're on probation."

You know what I realized? I have no discipline. I made time to cook my shitty microwave food, I made time to play video games for hours, I made time to binge my anime, I made time to hang out with friends, I made more than enough time to sleep, I made time to walk around, I made time to go on social media, I made time for everything.

But because I made time for all these leisure activities, I made no time to sit my ass down and study. I had no discipline. I didn't want to sit down for two hours and do calculus problems until it was drilled into my head. I didn't want to sit in class and listen and take down notes for an hour and a half. I had no discipline.

What I inevitably realized isn't that I'm dumb. I am still a smart motherfucker. But others whom I knew were slower than my (no offense) had better grades. But I had no discipline. And that's what college is about. Are you adult enough to put aside leisure to do what you have to do even though you don't like it? Because there's no parent to tell you to study anymore. There's no teacher who's going to call your parents when you fail enough or ask for a signature when you do bad on an exam. The only person responsible is you. So are you adult enough for that responsibility?

/r/AskMen Thread