Why is College worth it?

This may be unpopular, but I didn't go and I am thankfully every day for it. I was a smart kid, but just did not thrive in the school environment. I went ahead and pursued my interests in any other way I could, mainly working for free. I had to work hard and constantly prove myself to get anywhere. Knowing that all of your peers have a paper that verifies them and you don't... really motivates you to work harder than everyone else.

Now I am working for one of the top companies (if not the top) in my field and on the bleeding edge of technology for what I do. I am surrounded by people who have very expensive degrees from very exclusive schools, but they are doing the same job as I am. My managers treat me special because I am "self taught" and a "self starter" and I understand the work process in a different way than my traditionally educated peers. I know have hours of my day set aside for me to experiment and explore different techniques because my bosses trust how I invest my time. I love where I have ended up and would not do a single thing differently.

/r/AskReddit Thread