Colonizers can’t stop colonizing

This post affects me directly, and it's complete and utter bullshit. I live near a city, which has never "belonged" to anyone. The area has black and white people in it, and a lot of working class people migrate to the city. I happen to live next to a house that belongs to the city, therefore cannot be privately bought and renovated. A lot of the houses around where I live are old Victorian houses, and would have been left to rot and deteriorate if it weren't for people buying and restoring/renovating the houses. I live in one of these houses that sits right next to the house that is owned by the city.

Because of the subreddit this post is in, I'm sure you can guess who lives in house owned by the city. A family of black people, and they congregate with other black people and hangout at a park nearby pretty much everyday from Spring until it gets cold out again. There's nothing wrong with that. Where I draw a line is when there's no respect. Being loud as fuck, or hollering at people when they walk by. When people are pushing a baby on a stroller past and some idiot is in his car pumping his sub woofers to 10. Constantly being loud as fuck is annoying and is very disrespectful. That isn't culture, that is called being a disrespectful piece of shit that doesn't understand other people's privacy.

This isn't their neighborhood, it's not my neighborhood, it's a neighborhood. Cookouts? Fuck yes - count me in. Getting together and talking, celebrating life? Dude, sweet. Blasting music loud as fuck, yelling at people that walk by and being disrespectful. Fuck off. That last one isn't expressing culture, it's being a disrespectful piece of shit. I have lived here for nearly 4 years and I can't call the cops to file a noise complaint because it wouldn't change anything. This literally happens everyday from Spring until Fall. This isn't a neighborhood that drove out a culture, this is a place that people fucking live and go through their lives and raise families.

You might think it is "culture" and I think it as me coming home from working 10 hours to having to listen to the same rap song being blasted loud as fuck while I'm trying to take a rest from life for a minute. Blasting music is disrespectful as fuck. That's something you do once in a blue moon, on a weekend maybe, not everyday of the week. And like the top comment of this post said - the thing that attracted me here is the rent. When you work downtown, rent and commuting can be a bitch. That's why a lot of people are attracted to affordable places to live on the outskirts of downtown.

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