Color pie alignment chart

My own attempt to map which combinations work and which combinations do not work goes as follows

Lawful-Chaotic axis:

  • If your only strong color is White, then you're "LAWFUL" (you want strict systems imposing as many rules as possible to make sure that nobody does anything wrong that could harm the collective)

  • If your only strong color is Green, then you're "Neutral w/ Lawful tendencies" (you think that there should be general guidelines about emphasizing the community above the individual, but that these guidelines should be based on people's relationships with each other and that there should be some room for interpretation about the grey areas to make sure that people come first)

  • If you don't have any strong colors or if your only strong color is Black, then you're "NEUTRAL" (you'll follow the rules when it benefits you more than breaking them, and you'll break the rules when it benefits you more than following them)

  • If your only strong color is Blue, then you're "Neutral w/ Chaotic tendencies" (you're willing to consider the possibility that the authorities might potentially be right, but your initial assumption is that they're probably wrong because nobody knows everything, and you want them to justify themselves before you're truly willing to trust them)

  • If your only strong color is Red, then you're "CHAOTIC" (you don't like it when anybody tells you what to do, no matter who and no matter what)

And if you have two or more strong colors, then you can fall anywhere in the range set by the two strongest. For example, Golgaris can be anywhere from "Slightly Lawful" to "Neutral," but Azoriuses can be anywhere from "Extremely Lawful" to "Slightly Chaotic"

Good-Evil axis

  • Any color except Black can range from "EVIL" to "GOOD"

  • Black can range from "EVIL" to "Neutral w/ Good tendencies"

/r/colorpie Thread