“Make the colored people feel better”: Here’s how Obama-Trump voters explain their votes

This is the article this one references.

Some key quotes:

“I just, she never like went away and like rebranded herself. She just stayed. She was like a piece of [expletive] that wouldn't go down the toilet. She just like, she was done being secretary of state. You knew the next step was she was just gearing up to run for presidential, and she never got away. And then there always like with her and her husband, just always some kind of scandal of them d‑‑‑ing people over.”

“They made Trump, I think, — I, well, I shouldn't say it was the media's fault, it was pretty much his mouth's fault — but he made himself look like a very mean, cruel person that just was very racist. And I thought he would, everyone was going to vote for Hillary because of that.”

“Well, on top of that, she had an earwig in, and they were feeding her the answers.” (This was a conspiracy theory pushed by the Drudge Report and others. A woman on the panel seemed to agree, responding: “Right, well, that's what I'm saying.")

“And I always thought that Obama is a really nice guy. Trump is not. But Trump is going to be a better president, because Obama was not.”

/r/politics Thread Link - salon.com