Comeback Stage: South Club (Nam Taehyun) - OUTCAST (왕따) @ MBC Show Champion (180530)

Wow his first big official comeback song after leaving Winner is called Outcast??

My crude way of talking, my lifeless face Whatever I do, this or that It might seem rude But i love u It’s a misunderstanding I’m not very good at expressing For me, you know I want to get closer to you all

Oh my god Brother, include me too Oh my god Sister, play with me too

I need a friend I need a friend Babe, play with me too


I get lonely really easily So I need a lot of interest I know, I’m rude, sensitive and prickly So please adjust to me

Don’t misunderstand I’ll make an effort too But this was how I was born But after time passes If I buy a nice house, I’m sure you’ll come often

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