Comforts his wife even though he fell as well.

I'm sorry, but this is truly /r/relationships level bad advice. Some people have bad memories, particularly when it comes to oral instructions. A good partner doesn't go "well, learn to do it better" or shrug it off and say "not my problem" only to get upset when their partner forgets, they learn how to adapt. So if your partner doesn't remember the things you tell them, then when you tell them you can say "put it into your phone now so you don't forget". You find out what does work, and you do that. I mean, God forbid you end up in a position of professional authority if that's your feeling, otherwise you're going to end up pissed off at your employees regularly for something that's relatively easy to solve (source: have had many such employees, the power of a reminder text/email is considerable).

It's not parenting to learn how to adjust to a partner's weaknesses, it's being a good partner.

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