Comic To Show Changes

Wow. I disagree with almost every point.
* I agree that Rick and Michonne seems forced, but I would not want to see AMC Andrea still being around. They wrecked that character from moment 1. Literally. Comic Andrea was not a hot-headed loose cannon that would stick a gun in Rick's face without knowing that safety is on.
* I'm fine with Enid's character, and it would have been way to early to introduce Lydia, or anything related to her. The whole "Enid being a wolf/whisperer/Savior/some kind of mole" thing that so many fans keep predicting would be a crappy storyline. I feel the same way about that as I did about the "Beth is alive" theories, and the Lizzie killed Karen and David" theories.
* OK, you're totally right about Dale. They could have done that a LOT better.
* T-Dog should have been used more, not omitted. Without him, Rick and Daryl would have been the only muscle after Shane's death and before Michonne arrival.
* I didn't like that they killed Denise, I didn't like that they killed Abraham, but I think they did a decent job with that story line. As long as they do a good job of coming up with a good adaptation of Denise's comic death(with another character, obviously), I'm fine with this.
* I love Judith. I don't see what's worth complaining about. She's rarely a factor, more of a plot device. But she serves as a symbol of hope and a reminder that there still is a future. They need more positive symbolism.

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