Coming from mostly just JRPGs, what other non-Japanese RPGs should I play?

When it comes to 2d Platformers I recomend Sonic Mania. Even if you are a beginner at Platforming ore like ne just bad at them if you play as Tails you can fly and that makes it so much easier but its still a lot of fun and Tails is adorable and cool. Sonic Orgins came out but I have not played that one yet.

If you like an action adventure then go fore Okami. The worst you can say about is that its to easy but otherwise its amazing. Its beautiful, charming, has wonderful music and endering characters. The story is basic good vs evil but its executed very well.

If you want to try out a character action game well I would recomend Bayonetta 2 becuse its vey beginner friendly while Bayonetta 1 has tough challanges and some bullshit quick time events but story wise ofcours its much better to play in order.

Well you said you want to take a break feom RPGs but if you can stomach an Action RPG then I recomend Persona 5 Strikers. It is an amazing Action RPG.

If you want a 3D Platformer and if you have a Switch Kirby and the Forgotten Land is the perfect choice. That game is amazing.

Well when it comes to fighting games I am not one to ask but I love Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy fore the PSP.

If you have a 3DS and want to try out a 3D action shooting game then play Kid Icarus Uprising. The controlls get some getting used to but once they click its a stellar game.

/r/JRPG Thread