Coming from a person who has only played one Legend of Zelda game and never bothered to complete it, I can safely say that Breath of the Wild is one of my favorite games of all time.

If you care to go back in history, namely E3 2016, there were a lot of people who thought Nintendo was crazy for focusing on only one game, Zelda. Everyone was positive Nintendo was gonna flop this one, that Sony was the king of gaming now, because Microsoft and Nintendo screwed the pooch.

Then it started getting the longest lines.

Then it started getting the hype awards.

Lots of people didn't believe it.

Fast forward to the VGA 2016. People were screaming downgrade, putting up memes, Nintendoomed, etc.

Fast forward to launch week. When BOTW came out with the barrage of perfect reviews, lots of people believed that Nintendo was paying reviewers for the scores. Man, if it were that easy to get a 98 in Metacritic, I wonder why the non-doomed companies don't do it more often.

Fanboys started getting salty and bombarded Zelda with 0s. Memes floated around with empty game, no enemy variations, shallow combat, weapon degradation is shit, no music, etc.

Yet people still love this game.

You know you did something right when a lot of people HATE on the game for the silliest reasons.

/r/nintendo Thread