Coming out as gay after a decades long happy marriage with kids should not be applauded and branded brave. It should be treated as any other person suddenly admitting they are not attracted to their partner and abandoning their family.

On the other side of this, a person shouldn’t be shunned based on perception alone. My soon to be ex wife and I have been separated over a year now. I’ve always identified as bisexual/pansexual (still working things out). I’ve only ever dated my wife, and a few months ago I decided to try and date guys for the first time and created a dating profile. Someone at work noticed and the rumor going around is that I’ve always been gay and I abandoned my wife and kids to live some fantasy lifestyle. It’s really none of their business and I haven’t felt the need to confront anyone about it, but it sucks to be judged like this. My kids are still with me 50% of the time and I love them to pieces. My wife has left me 5+ times over the course of our relationship of 13 years, usually because I wasn’t romantic enough or she wanted to date other guys or other reasons I still don’t understand. Yet people think that I’m some evil immoral heathen who masterminded the destruction of a family.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread