*Who was Director of the FBI in 2010 while Mr Campbell was employed by the FBI, and turning over all this evidence to them? Oh, my. His name is Robert Mueller.

Who sat on the CIFIUS Committee that approved the sale? Gee whiz, one of the 14 members of the Committee at the time is named Eric Holder, and he was the Attorney General of the US; he was also Mr Mueller’s boss. Another member was named Hillary Clinton, who was a Committee member by virtue of her position as Secretary of State at the time.

Who was handling the prosecution of the logistics company that delivered the uranium to the Russians? Gee whiz, his name was Rod Rosenstein, who is now Mr Mueller’s boss, but was then an Ass’t Atty General in Maryland – which is a DOJ position, but woujld then have had Eric Holder as his boss.

Who was Attorney General of the USA who approved allowing the CEO .of the logistics cmpany to to plead out on the criminal case against him, and thereby avoid having to give testimony under oath in open court? I’ll be darned. Her name was Loretta Lynch.

And who was the boss of all these folks throughout the period of application and approval of the sale, as well as the prosecution of the logistics company CEO? I know it’s hard to believe, but his name is Barack Hussein Obama*


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