
it’s probably society tbh. which is weird to me as I never really see shit about what the “perfect” male form is nor do I ever seen women saying anything about a man’s appearance aside from them being obese or really short. I’ve never really had a preference. I’ve dated extremely thin, effeminate men that were almost shorter than me and I’ve also dated tall, Ukrainian wrestlers lol. from what I’ve gathered from the girls I know, which I know a lot of people as I used to be “known” in my area through facebook bc shitposting, they all prefer guys that are nice. maybe they like skinny or tall guys but the majority will be happy with a man that treats them well :) most are into dad bods, which I enjoy heavily now as they’re comfortable and make me feel secure.

when it comes to meeting people, unless it’s through the internet which I’ve never liked, it’s random! I’ve met guys that ended up being significant others in random places such as parties, car meets, and even a bowling alley. but the best advice is to just never look. good things happen unexpectedly.

ALTHOUGH I will never preach that relationships bring happiness. I wish I never dated half the guys I have as they all turned into dicks eventually. I’ve just always wanted a nice guy that made me feel secure in our relationship. I am always content being alone as well. I honestly prefer it but when you love someone, you love them.

sorry for the rambling lol my dad’s chin is recessed to where I’m afraid I’ll look like that when I’m his age as I get most of my physical attributes from him ;-; it’s bad. but he ends up with attractive women and I dunno how he does it bc from what I’ve seen with how he reacts to my brother and I, he’s a dick. all the other women seem to say he’s nice and romantic. I always have to hold back that he’ll probably cheat on them :x it’s really sad.

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