Парадигма: как другие страны решили бы проблему Украины на месте России

(google) Translation:

Let us recall the historical examples, and consider how such countries as the Soviet Union, the USA, Japan, China, Arabia, North Korea, the United Kingdom decided to Ukrainian crisis at the site of the Russian Federation.

Naturally, they have the land and resources of the Russian Federation, but have a very different life paradigm.

Before turning to the specific cases, you can immediately tell that other nations are a complete antithesis of Russia. They are not afraid of anything, no sanctions, they are quite belligerent, cruel to his enemies, and risk-averse. They have a different life style.

Russia, calling a spade a spade, wants to get out of the water dry, easy to want to escape, wants all she had nothing for it was not.

Let's start with the Soviet Union.


Ukraine = Czechoslovakia and Hungary. Tanks. Many tanks. "At the request of the working people of fraternal Ukraine for the protection of the global imperialist capital and local petty bourgeois nationalist-socialists the people of Ukraine is international assistance." Comprehensive invasion quickly "occupy" all of Ukraine. Sanctions? We do not care! We are producing all! What to produce, then we consume. Feed Ukraine? It will feed us with bread, will granary! Let's all go to the Zaporozhets!

You say, Russia is not as powerful as the Soviet Union? It's not that. Soviet Union also has not always been a superpower. We must remember how it started. Then there was no Soviet empire, the Warsaw Pact, and the United States about a decade did not recognize the Bolshevik government. If we compare the initial conditions of the USSR, a country ravaged by civil war in a hostile environment, and the initial conditions of Russia, it becomes clear that you can not compare them.

But Russia has other values. She does not want to live. But can it live differently? That is, stay alive without wasting resources on the spread of communism throughout the world, that fighting was going on somewhere far away from the mother country, and there was some basis for action?

United States

"We had information that Kolomoisky ordered extremists fighters" Right Sector "from Donetsk to fire MLRS. Here is a listing e-mail! Read! We can not let this happen! Aircraft and missiles are already flying. We really do not know exactly where the battery is located "Right Sector", so we decided to destroy in any case all the equipment within pyatidesyatikilometrovoy demilitarized zone from the demarcation line. According to the Minsk agreement APU was still withdraw their troops. We understand Minsk! So all there is, is illegal! Who not hiding, we are not to blame! It is necessary to comply with Minsk !!!

Speak American planes fly? There are so many? Floating fly! This is the sphere of our interests! They will meet with the world's best system of air defense, tactical nuclear missiles and air-to-air anti-aircraft carriers, cruise missiles, air-to-water and water-to-water! If there are big losses, we get out and be like Vietnam, ugh, from Afghanistan.

Threaten sanctions and disconnecting from the payment systems? We are disconnected from their payment systems for supporting militants sobem pair of satellites and disabled! This is the "Star Wars" Strategic Defense Initiative! The Cold War, violent geopolitical games of our all! Always ready! "

You say, Russia is not as powerful as the United States? USA, during the peak power of the USSR, were not afraid to turn up, for example, by attacking Vietnam. Or during the conflicts in the Middle East. While the potential willingness to sacrifice the Soviet Union in case of war could scare millions of Americans. They firmly pressed "military militarized state" the USSR in local conflicts, although it could turn differently when cornering in the internal politics of the Soviet Union, and were looking for a confrontation, but was a risk. And, in general, could be a calm and peaceful life. That is the main idea that confrontation - is the norm. This is not something that should be avoided, this is what we should strive. If the year is not bombed any one country, the year is lived in vain.


Hardcore nationalism, which we never dreamed of. Troops entered in all regions of the Russian population, not only in the Left-Bank Ukraine, but also in Belarus and Kazakhstan. Citizenship is granted only Russian by nationality or for special services, the situation in Japan. In the football championship of the limit on foreign players, even shitty play, but your own. Sanctions? We do not care! We are Russian people live for the Russian Emperor, and we live on the island, we just do not care deeply and completely, what's going on abroad!

Japan during World War II input surrendered only after the second bomb, no blockade, and even the usual bombardment did not shake. And this despite the scarce resources of the poor of the island. They just have such a mentality, and Russia without the "international community" simply can not. That is, the different priorities.

If they are not dropped a nuclear bomb, they would have there and lived on the island as Japanese soldiers came out of the jungle 25 years after the war, all the hiding to avoid capture.


Ten thousand commandos must die. Comrade General Secretary gave the order. Let us remember the Korean War, when the Chinese division behind the scenes, without a declaration of war to take into battle, and without regard for the victims, the troops stopped the Americans and threw them out of North Korea.

So do not feel sorry ten thousand disguised contract, and two hundred-four hundred thousand are ordered, dress form unmarked take automatic, grenade launcher, three grenades and walking in small groups go to the Russian-Ukrainian border. If there are three hundred kilometers, then who is different, how many people have gone? A thousand or ten thousand?

Further, regardless of the losses they defeat APU mode hybrid war without aircraft and new technology. Russia is not the same for her such a loss of tens of thousands is not acceptable, it is like "civilized", is not that China under Mao. But, as a result, it can not fight either as a "civilized" country nor as a "not civilized".

By the way, the US hawks time considered the possibility of applying a series of nuclear strikes on the territory of China, but Chinese is not scared. Parity was not, but they still have not put.

North Korea

We have a bomb and we have nothing else, nothing more we can do! Get away from us, let the rice!

So, one day online classified kremlin.ru appears that due to the difficult international situation Russia temporarily withdrawing from the treaty banning nuclear tests and plans to conduct a series of nuclear explosions on the ground, in the air, in space and under water in order to ensure the defense capability countries. Also planned exercises of troops using tactical nuclear weapons.

The ratio then will be specific to Russia, but from her restrained, yes. It will not be greatly involved in world politics and the image will become isolationist. But Russia is not so, it wants to participate actively in the twenty, seven, unions, God knows what.


One gets the Orthodox states throughout the South-East of Ukraine! Total hybrid war without rules! The arrow goes from Slavic, for Shahid. While he defended in ruins throughout the border come from Orthodox groups of thousands and thousands of Mujahideen from all over the Orthodox FSU. They are flowing around the outpost, enter the city and secured there. VSUshnikov none of the boiler does not produce, they cut his head, headless corpses take off into the Dnieper and other rivers. They then in horror as the Iraqi army, run away. On the road the car is stopped, and all those who spoke with an accent, display the road and shot, as does the ISIS and Nusra. In short, a natural Syria. Gradually, the rebels captured the suburbs of Kiev, and are suitable for Latakia, ie Galicia.

This is acceptable reason for the Gulf countries, but for some reason, is unacceptable for Russia. Russian peace peace-loving country. Why is nobody in the world does not appreciate?

Great Britain

Middle East - our all. To divert attention from the Crimea, it is necessary to organize a war in another place! Iran, Syria, Huthis, is Alawite stream promises new weapons and diplomatic support. To destabilize placed troops. Secret diplomacy is organized by the war in the Middle East, with the involvement of the largest possible number of countries. Distabiliziruyutsya Azerbaijan, which at the beginning of the last century was the British concession, Turkey, Georgia, Jordan, are flirting with Kurdistan, ISIS, God knows whom. As a result, at the end of the war held unimaginable limits and in some transactions is something fall to someone over the Crimea.

Russia for peace in the world! During the talks! For the peaceful settlement! For the observance of international law! So one scenario is not for Russia.

And there are many countries that would be too easy to cope with the crisis, just for them to be a protectorate of the United States and to trust their fate Brzezinski norm. Always agree only hope that the US will be engaged by someone else. What they're lucky and they will not destabilize what works for TNK is good. At least the heat and you can always eat GMOs.

Russia is lost between the sky and sunset.

/r/russia Thread