
You sound like me. After years of untreated depression and anxiety and family issues, I dropped out of school and spent a couple years in bed playing video games and writing bad, angsty fiction. It helped me edge away from suicidal ideation, but now I'm 30 without a GED, so... '_'

I just wish so hard that young people struggling like we were could get the attention and help they need before things get that bad... But so often, mental health issues are ignored, underestimated, or misunderstood to the kids' detriment.

But things do get better, and as you said, old scars fade. Plus, taking out frustration in video games - or living vicariously through them - can be one way to help process trauma. I've definitely used Sims 3 to work out some stuff, lol. And maybe that's why playing files starring a lone teen struggling to find her way through the world with nobody's help and eventually becoming a mummy-fighting millionaire who owns the town is my favorite playthrough style!

/r/thesims Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it