
We hate gacha porn because guess what? Kids are making porn does that sound normal? Kids make porn with kids game some kid sees and makes porn because trendy. And then it makes them go downed into a neverending cycle of cyberbullying,porn addiction and depression at the age of 8 or 10. Minecraft/roblox porn are made by adults and they can be rarely found therefore needing the kid to search it themselves and by the time they can type their either matured or is still a gacha kid. Why would a person who matured from their past self search for minecraft/roblox porn? And why would a gacha kid search for minecraft/roblox porn rather than searching something like "yaoi wolf boy hybrid glmm"? Therefore making them less vulnerable to be exposed to minecraft/roblox porn. This is why gacha is bad since it could end up in the app store front page for them and they could download it type it in youtube and boom. Gacha life porn right infront of their eyes.

/r/GachaLifeCringe Thread Link - i.redd.it