نورمن فنكلستين واعتراضه على وصف اليهود بالمستوطنين ودلالات ذلك الوصف وعلى التمسّك بفكرة الكفاح المسلّح

Yeah everything he said in that interview is basically right. Westerners who call for ethnically cleansing Israelis from Palestine are full of shit, especially the Arab diaspora in the West. Blatant hypocrites. The solidatory protests in May were amazing and inspiring but there was some real dumb shit involved. You'd see the wokesters with Twitter profiles that have "colonized Tkaronto" as their location calling for "decolonizing Palestine" without any hint of irony. On the other end of the spectrum you have racist obnoxious vulgar Albertan Arabs and their extreme hatred of Aboriginals also bitching about colonization.

Advocating for Palestinian liberation while calling for the expulsion of Israelis is so dumb there's hardly a way to describe it. Pro-Palestinian advocacy was hard enough during the two-state era. It is harder now that we've moved into the one-state paradigm and openly calling for dismantling Jewish supremacy. It is going to be fucking impossible when lunatics are openly calling for the destruction of Israel and putting five million Jews on boats back to Europe. I mean who is even the audience for this stuff? Outside of left-twitter cliques and academia, who is going to be on board with this? Is the goal here to build broad public support or just shout sexy slogans?

/r/arabs Thread Link - v.redd.it