أهل اليمن السعيد! أين أنتم؟

I'm sorry that this is happening to your country. I'm not a big supporter of the interference as I believe it just escalates the situation and in war the ones who suffer are the civilians. But I will have to tell you that personally I know a lot of Yemenis who support the strikes and some who don't, but support the people fighting the Houthis and Saleh. A lot hate Iran for sticking their nose in yemen, even if a little because they think it provoked the saudis. And they say the Houthis burned their cards when they allied with Iran and Saleh. And I also agree with you that also saudi interference hasn't helped anyone. Any country should not be under the mercy of a foreign power. Governments should represent their people's interests and nobody else's.

Yes Hadi was weak but can I ask, because I really don't know, what did he do so that the Houthis turned on him? Or was it more that Saleh wanted his seat back so he used the Houthis to take him out?

And regarding AQAP, I'm not gonna bullshit and tell you i know what the Saudi forces are thinking or what their game plan is, but if I was them I wouldn't hit AQAP either. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Let them fight the Houthis too and that way the Houthis have to fight on 2 fronts. This is just my personal opinion but emotionally I would destroy them as they are a cancer.

But anyways I just wish things will end soon and return to normal or as normal as can be in such a situation. The Yemeni people suffered under a dictator for 30 years and have only known pain and poverty. It's not right that after that they taste war. I'm not a fan of all parties involved in this war. I'm a fan of the Yemeni people who want to live in peace. Salam brother I hope your family and friends are safe.

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