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Updates are delayed (again) self.23_hyphen_X

submitted 1 month ago by 23_-X [-1]Owner

I'm a bit tired and too lazy to update this sub right now, so the sub will not be updated until I have any incentive to put the MS Paint version of the icons to their places in photoshop (I think I have done all of them), but I want to remind you that the new contents will be in this sub! This sub will also have subredditary rotation, and you will be able see each other! Currently you can't see each other, the reason is that the subreddit server is overloaded because there's so many people visiting! It's amazing! It blows my mind how many people are visiting this sub even if it's just 1% of them all! Absolutely mind blowing.

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[–]23_-X [-1]Owner[S] 1 point 1 month ago

I've added the scan for other visitors button, I wanted it to happen, but the servers are overloaded, and it's only a week from the launch date, really?

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[–]23_-X [-1]Owner[S] 1 point 1 month ago

I've added a minor update, the subreddit rotation is now 20% slower, people have reported that it's too fast and that makes it harder to reach the substation.

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[–]23_-X [-1]Owner[S] 1 point 1 month ago*

I have also added player factions, you can now also choose to initiate a war with them.

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[–]23_-X [-1]Owner[S] 1 point 1 month ago

There's a chance that this sub will be in sand mode, it's very rare, but it exists.

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[–]23_-X [-1]Owner[S] 1 point 1 month ago

I'm slowly working on robot ants. I think it will be for automod when I set it up, but for now I might add it as some random image in this sub.

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