Comment below your best weapons in STW

Playing since day 1.

My 3 slots never change for a ranged build, never needed anything else.

Slot 1# Storm king's wrath - nothing more powerful in the game. Nuke smashers, bosses and other mist monsters.
(Other favourite option - Bundlebuss)

Slot #2 Silent spectre - takes care of everything else from tiny husks to fatty's etc. Extremely good for crowd control. The sound of the weapon became never became obnoxious even after years of grinding. Good reload and fire rate, Highest crit %, cheapest ammo.
(Other favourite option - pulsar 9000)

Slot #3 Baron - movement speed. (Other options - wafers, coconuts )

For melee

based on primary attack - (paleo / assassin builds)- storm king's ravager Spectral blade Stabsworth the 3rd Founders blazing Masamune

Based on secondary attack (anti cuddle builds) - Steam thrasher Earsplitter Surround pound Spectral Blade/ravager Killjoy

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