Comment Cooperative - June 05

James Cameron's Avatar | Repeated Meetings | T | AO3


Tsu’tey looked over the tree of souls as another flight of Ikran riders landed. Tsu’tey had never imagined that it was possible to bring so many Na’vi together. Let alone by a dream walker. Then again he would never have expected Jake to become the Turok Makto and be willing to lead them to war against the sky people.


He walked through the jungle heading for the clearing where the sky people were. They had bought the wounded Grace to them and while they had tried to save her she was with Ewya now. Along with Jake that left Norm and the sky person who controlled their flying machine who he had learned was called Trudy.


He could see the clearing and the metallic building they had transported here. Norm was standing outside on guard. They were very particular that none of the new arrivals went near it.

“Who goes there!” Norm shouted jerking the machine gun he carried hearing Tsu’tey’s approach.

“It is just me,” Tsu’tey said, stepping into the open.

“Oh. You should give me some warning next time,” Norm said lowering the weapon. He had not been at Hometree during the attack but also had a grudge against the other sky people.

“I wasn’t even trying to be quiet. You should have heard and seen me sooner,” Tsu’tey pointed out. Outside of the safety of Hometree Norm was very much like a Jake. Even worse than Jake had been when he appeared.

“No offence but this is a little bit outside of my comfort zone,” Norm protested.

“There is no ‘comfort zone’ here. I’m surprised that you haven’t been eaten,” Tsu’tey said.


“Well it doesn’t help that I’m not operating one hundred percent,” Norm tried to explain. Suddenly Norm’s speech began slurred, “the link… isn’t...function...” For a second he looked at Tsu’tey expression puzzled and then he collapsed. Tsu’tey stood confused for a second. This had happened to Jake and Grace before though he did not understand why though they seemed to recover eventually. The door to the shack was thrown open and a new sky person walked about of it.

“Shit! Another desync,” the sky person said walking towards Tsu’tey and Norm.

“Who are you?” Tsu’tey asked the sky person but then he recognised the familiar face even behind its mask. “Norm?”


The sky person seemed embarrassed at being recognised. “I see you Tsu’tey. Yes its me.”. Tsu’tey knew that dream walkers were not real people but instead controlled by a sky person, even if how that was possible he did not begin to understand. That being said meeting the person on the other side was an unnatural experience. Glancing over at the dream walker’s face Tsu’tey could see how the facial structure was deformed into the face of the sky person in front of him partly covered by facial hair. He still didn’t know much about sky people but Norm seemed very much like his dream walker, kind of weak and lacking confidence.

“I was expecting someone taller,” Tsu’tey finally said.

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