So comments are gone for the webcomic pages. I'm disappointed...

From what I deduced in all the /co/nversations after a little investigating in the archives, prompt by some tumblogger's kinda taunting post I shan't talk about...apparently some people were quite touchy at that for a reason. Apparently the /co/mmunity really adored the comic back when it was on SmackJeeves and the enthusiasm discussing every update helped elevated his name in webcomic artistry.

The /co/mmunity helped decoded some of the easter eggs Zack had sneakingly put in, and he gives occasional shout-outs to them back. Some of the popular fan-artists also came from there like gutter and xuubou/caribous (The latter apparently did NSFW art involving the main characters once). He once entered a thread and they trolled him hard. (Yep, that's the Anonymous for you.) He really didn't want to relive the experience again, but he did acknowledge that a significant number of his fanbase that appreciated his work came from there.

All went well and fine...until Chapter 4 came along. The story moved slower than expected compared to Chapter 3 (which people - including myself - see as a magnum opus in terms of art direction and pacing) People were getting antsy, especially with the Spender vs Forge monologue battle whch made the reading kind of a bore. Some people were feeling that Zack was going to become "a hack". People just wanted the special guest to get picked back to Mayview and get it over with, there were more enticing sub-plots on construction!

And then, Zack made the notorious remark for some unknown reason which felt out-of-the-blue for them. It felt seemingly ungrateful and a spit in the eye for them. That was the exact moment where everybody went bonkers. Everything receeded though, and the buzz kinda dimmed down but it was more on the fact that it was going to be a slow ride of a arc. Now, whenever a Paranatural thread pops up as usual, some smart alec will try to start a din with "Why do we hate him?" in jest...and people will just reply to play along with the joke. Because...well, "the majority of channers don't care".

Although, yeah. What you said about him telling them to "fuck off" because they "should", sometimes. Considering the very notorious actions some 4channers had plopped the place into the spotlight to point where the public thinks of them as the very image of merciless menaces of the's probably for the best. Oh, and about "the little barrier to yelling at the readers" thing? I did put my 2 cents at this to /u/GetMeOffReddit about the same thing.

Sorry for the rather late reply. From what I deduced in all the /co/nversations after a little investigating in the archives, prompt by some tumblogger's kinda haughty anti-4chan post...apparently some people were quite touchy at that for a reason. Apparently the /co/mmunity really adored the comic back when it was on SmackJeeves and the enthusiasm discussing every update helped elevated his name in webcomic artistry.

The /co/mmunity helped decoded some of the easter eggs Zack had sneakingly put in, and he gives occasional shout-outs to them back. Some of the popular fan-artists also came from there like gutter and xuubou/caribous (The latter apparently did NSFW art involving the main characters once). He once entered a thread and they trolled him hard. (Yep, that's the Anonymous for you.) He really didn't want to relive the experience again, but he did acknowledge that a significant number of his fanbase that appreciated his work came from there.

All went well and fine...until Chapter 4 came along. The story moved slower than expected compared to Chapter 3 (which people - including myself - see as a magnum opus in terms of art direction and pacing) People were getting antsy, especially with the Spender vs Forge monologue battle whch made the reading kind of a bore. Some people were feeling that Zack was going to become "a hack". People just wanted the special guest to get picked back to Mayview and get it over with, there were more enticing sub-plots on construction!

And then, Zack made the notorious remark for some unknown reason which felt out-of-the-blue for them. It felt seemingly ungrateful and a spit in the eye for them. That was the exact moment where everybody went bonkers. Everything receeded though, and the buzz kinda dimmed down but it was more on the fact that it was going to be a slow ride of a arc. Now, whenever a Paranatural thread pops up as usual, some smart alec will try to start a din with "Why do we hate him?" in jest...and people will just reply to play along with the joke. Because...well, "the majority of channers don't care".

Although, yeah. What you said about him telling them to "fuck off" because they "should", sometimes. Considering the very notorious actions some 4channers had plopped the place into the spotlight to point where the public thinks of them as the very image of merciless menaces of the's probably for the best. Oh, and about "the little barrier to yelling at the readers" thing? I did put my 2 cents at this to /u/GetMeOffReddit about the same thing.

Sorry for the rather late reply.

/r/paranatural Thread Parent