Commies are typing

Indeed they are.

Were Soviets hungry? Were there famines? Not after 1947. Holodomor happened in 1932-33 Was Soviet caloric intake sufficiently high? Yes

Even critical sources say they werent starving generally.

Also see all of this:

(blatantly stolen from Yodamort because under communism facts are publicly owned)

CIA report stating that Soviets consumed around the same amount of calories as Americans, with possibly an overall more nutritious diet.

CIA stated that the USSR was "basically self sufficient with respect to food".

Translated official (not propaganda) Soviet records of the USSR sending food to the Ukraine during the famine

University of West Virginia History Professor - the Ukrainian SSR was sent hundreds of thousands of tons of grain by the rest of the USSR in the late 1920s, saving hundreds of thousands of lives.

University of Southern Maine - a critique of the myths constructed by Western critics.

US Department of Agriculture archive - the USSR was the world's largest producer of potatoes, rye, barley, oats, sunflower seed, and sugar beets, and second only to the US on cotton.

Czechoslovakia was sent a lot of food in 1947 by the USSR, Yugoslavia, and Romania, avoiding a famine.

Poland was also sent food in 1947 by the USSR to avoid famine.

Cuba had less than 3% undernourishment in 2003 - Food and Agricultural Organisation (UN)

North Korea was also sent food in 1953 by the USSR and China to avoid famine - Columbia University History Professor.

China became food sufficient by the late 1970s - University and College Union member Will Podmore.

In 2013, the Food and Agricultural Organisation (UN) commended Venezuela for reducing hunger and malnourishment by half.

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