Is This Common in The US?

I watch an equal amount of left and right political news. I find both quite disgusting and loaded with propaganda. Most teachers reflect the general area the live in. I live in an area that is split 50% both directions and the teachers absolutely reflect this. There are schools that massively lean one way or the other, and some that are a melting pot. We have had several school shootings in the last few years in this county. The armed security shot at police and students in one of the incidents, kids died because the police couldn't get in fast enough. Ironically we saw an armed swat team be very ineffective in a recent school shooting where the shooter slaughtered 2 rooms of little kids because he was a nut. Guns helped no one... he killed himself. The answer isn't guns. The problem is guns. I own guns. I enjoy shooting them. I think they have no place around schools, however I will also acknowledge that if people didn't have guns they would use something else. Mental health is really the issue, and gun nuts (not a regular person who goes hunting one a year) are a sign of mental illness that is rampant. School shooters take many forms, but easy access to guns enabled by a gun nut is a common thread. All we can do is chip away at the problem.

That almost said, what is your proposal? Hopes and prayers? A strong talking to? Putting an armed guard at each school? A school police officer? None of these work, we have the data to prove it.

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