Is it common for adults to roll their head left and right before going to sleep?

It is. I'm 99% sure he's ruined two couches and the seat in my car. Ok, maybe not my car but the couch springs are crap where he sits and when he's rocking in my car, at a red light, my entire car will move with it. (Very annoying when I have a migraine).

I've tried everything. It'll work if he concentrates on not doing it but it's habit and he gets frustrated if he's told to stop (esp when he's tired and wants to sleep- like in an airplane where it disrupts the people behind him)... sleep overs- when he was younger, I would get frantic phone calls from parents early morning thinking he was having a seizure. Now, I just warn them beforehand. It's just self soothing and I'm hoping he'll find something a little more... relaxed, like yours lol

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent