Is it common for other Millennials in their 30's to feel like they haven't "grown up" yet? That they're suddenly faced with an adulthood they feel they're not ready for?

Adulthood is an illusion, the world is run by big stupid kids with an agenda.

That said the world got a lot bigger after 9/11 for me. I was in middle school and the whole school day was taken over by the news coverage. I didn't know it at the time, but that was the point where doing things for the fun of it stopped being fun, where playing games and watching cartoons became more of a way to escape the seriousness of the world for even a short amount of time.

Everything else had a point and purpose, school was to prepare for college, college was preparation for a job, jobs were a means to get money to secure a house and food so I could hole up on my days off and forget the world around me.

Sorry if this was a bummer, I'll end on a favored quote of mine, "most adults didn't decide to grow up, they just got to a point where they couldn't stay children anymore."

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread