Common Fuck-Ups Megathread - January 01, 2018

The start of this happened a couple of days ago, but the rest of it happened today.

On my last shift, it was dead and I was told I could leave earlier than usual. There was fuck all to do, to the point where one of my other colleagues said I could leave even earlier if I wanted to, but I decided to stay until when my boss said I could leave.

Because it was dead, I was browsing reddit. I do this during a lot of dead periods at work, but most of the time I only get to actually use the site for ~30 mins spread out through out my shifts (side note: I'm not allowed to leave my desk for a break, and if the phone rings, I have to answer. Most breaks are scattered into 3 mins here, 4 mins there through out a shift).

When it came to quitting time, I logged off everything, clocked out and left....or so I thought. Half way home I realised I hadn't closed my browser with reddit open. Fuck. Oh well, it was a dead night anyway, it'll be fine.

So I come into work today, which also happens to be the date of my 6 month review, and my reddit account is still open on the computer. Fuck. Ok, no worries, it'll be fine. Wrong.

I get called into my review with my boss and the owner. They sit me down and immediately go into my use of reddit. They'd gone through a month of my posting history (which is a shitload) and found a comment chain that started with me saying "I fucking hate my job" and then going on to talk about my illness with someone else who worked in the same industry and has a similar illness. I never mentioned any specifics or what company I worked for. When I tried to explain the context to them and my illness, they said it wasn't important. I also didn't make those posts whilst I was at work.

I then explained that I've never ignored work to go on reddit. If the phone rings, I answer immediately, if someone asks me to do something, I do it immediately etc. They claimed that was false and that I don't do X & Y that I used to do anymore (which I can't recall ever doing or ever being trained to do - I wasn't trained how to do most things in the job tbh..) and that I was actually costing them money, and they fired me. I hadn't had any warnings before hand, and hadn't been spoken to about X & Y before the review.

These are the comments

tl;dr - I accidentally left my reddit account open at work, my employer went through my post history and found a month old comment that started with me saying "I fucking hate my job", and fired me.

Edit: I'm in the UK, and I never signed a contract or anything. I'm not trying to ask for advice.

/r/tifu Thread