Communicating feelings is hard sometimes.

About this:

I pulled open my old phone to search for something and found this conversation.

My relationship with my mom has gotten a lot better since this. I can't believe the way she used to talk to me.

I wouldn't call her an insane parent - wasn't sure of a better sub to put this. In fact, she is a fantastic mom. However, many times I grew used to having to shut my lips and apologize to keep the peace, which primed me to be a doormat to an abusive partner. Two years after breaking up with him, this is the first time I was really becoming brave enough to communicate my feelings. My truth needed to be spoken, even if it exploded in my face.

I can't even remember what happened because my mind tends to block these things out. All that's clear is she had hurt my feelings the day previously as well as that morning. Despite the lack of memory, I feel a trickle of pain looking at this. It's nice to know that she and I communicate better now. I forgive her.

/r/insaneparents Thread Link -