Community: Netflix and Hulu Remove “Advanced Dungeons and Dragons” Episode

Yeah. Let me try to expand my thought better. I believe this is a knee jerk reaction by network execs for joke that is actually quite deep. Where Shirely and Pierce see Chang as blackface, Troy and Abed see him as a cosplaying a Drow; Much less Chang is an American minority being of Chinese ethnicity. Also, the makeup was so over the top that it does not resemble natural skin color (of course there are exceptions, but his make up was pure black)

So, this kinda goes down the slippery slope (in which, yes, im aware thats a logical galaxy) but do we now ban conventions because bright red Tieflings are insensitive to native Americans, or no sun yellow Eladrin.

I just don't know. Im probably making a mountain out of a molehile. I agree with WotC making changes to Cos because of the Romani stereotypes, but this seems too when you start looking at it deeper.

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