This community is the REAL problem.

I spent $100 on a game that encourages micro transactions and has tremendously slow progression for how much I play. I’m an average guy in high school, and have a lot of free time. But I just feel like the game isn’t finished. And even with all the content released, I still feel the core of the game mode itself is flawed. I don’t care about which company flaws the game, treyarch or activision, I just feel like the whole system of serums or whatever is extremely encouraging to make you pay. Also, I really don’t feel ungrateful, since I’m the one paying treyarch, it’s not like I was given it for free, like how I feel it was with all the micro transactions. I still love the game, especially all the unique maps. But I’m slowly noticing more and more why the community is complaining so much.

/r/CODZombies Thread