This community is the REAL problem.

Preface, this sub has never been some ray of sunshine...

People sent threats to data miners years ago. Hell CoD is the laughing stock of the gaming industry. When someone says "It sells so many copies" its met with a playerbase still known as the game filled with kids and entitled brats. Even though I'd bet most long term players here are well over 21 now. Maybe fortnite will dethrone our decade plus ruling. For now though we are stereotyped as shitty gamers that just rage and cry.

As for the youtubers, you reap what you sow man. Most hatred towards these "content creators" isnt blind. A lot is aimed at how they present said content. The bait, the stolen ideas, yada yada. All because this worlds first clout became so important for some odd reason. Everyone and their mother thinks if they get worlds first they will be the next noahJ. Ask NGT about clout.. Real grown ass men who moved on with life even though they were THE zombie channel. Clout means nothing in this world where the next big thing is seconds away.

I agree with you at points and obviously have differing opinions on other points (no hate, we can have differences) but the bottom line I'm making is you cant just blanket us, the sub, or the community. Are there shitty users yup, all over reddit, but it's not all of us and this community isnt the problem.

The people who forget we are playing a game are the problem.

/r/CODZombies Thread