The Community's Rocket League Roadmap & Psyonix's Anti-Consumer History

I can completely agree with the crates. The smart player would realize your expected value is less than .5 of a key everytime you spend a key. So just like gambling you are losing 50cents a spin here. The smart player has to create their own "store" and buy items they want off the market for a far better value than gambling with a huge house edge.

Thankfully rocket pass is staying.

I will be against switching server providers, simply because they work perfectly fine for me, my friends that play, and so many other players. Why would I want them to change something that works for me already?

As for features, I'm not really sure what people want to see here. The gameplay is already great. They wanted to add new maps, people complain, they add new game modes and they go dead within a month. I don't see why they should even bother adding these things when the vast majority does not like/use them. They have stated tournaments are something on their list for revamping (such as official reward tournaments they want) and training is also on the radar.

I would love to see more orgs in Esports, but I have no knowledge of the problems behind the scenes. I get the orgs want to make money and they need to know how they can make the most ahead of time.

I would love to see an official store or market for items instead of crates, that is for sure. Trading would be pretty much dead if that happened as it's far easier to get the item you want and if everyone gets the same items from events no one will want to trade those either. I'm fine with trading dying though.

So I agree with tournaments official reward ones that are coming eventually, needs more training customization, and remove crates. I disagree with changing servers however.

/r/RocketLeague Thread