Comparisons matter

I do think that people can change their life I am doing so by studying and getting a degree at 26 because my parents could not give me an house or a car or the driving licence to borrow their car, if we take peoples lives individually it’s gonna get tough to explain what they want it is the option I don’t have or the option my father didn’t have because he had work his ass off to make sure everybody was safe and happy. But this post/comment isn’t about me or what I want (not an individual argument) is about how we are fucked and we keep thinking that going in a office and sitting in a cubicle is normal... we think it’s normal to work for a minimum wage that is not a living wage and we think is normal that we have to pay thousands for get an education that should be there for free in the first place, an education that teaches us behaviour of individual and in groups that gives us the fundamental to understand we shouldn’t fuck up our planet. All I am saying is... let’s not just think individually and let’s try to understand that we should treat better. Because starting a working life at 18 or 19 for 400€ a month doesn’t give me that many option of... WHAT I WANNA DO THE BUSINESS I WANT TO CREATE OR ANYTHING ELSE. It is 400€ I could barely put food on my not owned table.

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