Competitive Changes: 2.02 and what's next

It’s about Riot hinting Viper buffs in the next patch only for it to take 2+ months instead of 2 weeks or even a month. They’ve done this multiple times. I would be completely fine if they gave a realistic release date but Viper seems like the only agent where they want to be EXTRA sure for some reason that Viper isn’t OP before releasing the changes and they end up postponing the buffs for the indefinite future.

Look at Breach (multiple flash buffs, OP counter, and more), look at Omen (rework), look at any other agent where Riot publicly stated they wanted to buff them in the near future. Within the month, they get those changes out. I mean, they even buffed Jett’s smokes from like 4 seconds to 7!!! seconds and didn’t care for a long time that it made her an actual good controller along with being an amazing duelist.

Why is Viper the only agent where they are INCREDIBLY careful with?

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