Complete stranger with a couple of fb friends in common friend requested me. After checking her profile and seeing nothing but weight loss pill MLM ads I deleted the request. She still messaged...

I’m sure this isn’t the right thread for this, but why so much hate? These people are simply trying to earn an income just like the rest of us, and they reach out to you to offer products or a business opportunity. I personally don’t want to work with an MLM but I’ve bought products from different companies and they’re really great. I’d much rather use my money to support a small business (yes they are small businesses, you can even will them to your families) then spend it at garbage big box stores. Maybe take some time to reflect on yourself and why you’re so angry at people trying to better their financial situations. And trust me, it takes a lot more courage to contact someone you don’t know and be treated so poorly than it does to be the one treating someone like crap for reaching out!

/r/antiMLM Thread Link -