Completely blank OPKs

it's possible you're testing entirely too early. i have a short LP so i won't get a positive until like day 18 at the earliest (cycles of 29-32 days).

also since i had the freedom to POAS with reckless abandon (i've only done it to pinpoint ovulation for period prediction), i found that a blazing positive on first morning urine = positive surge the previous day. unless you're one of those people who has false positives in the mornings, personally it works for me because my urine is always too diluted unless i catch it at the very peak. when i'm nowhere near my surge FMU is negative and only half darkness when it approaches. it's all about finding ways to figure out what your normal is.

try later and try FMU might be your best bet. if the FMU method works for you, you'd then test twice daily the couple days before in the next cycle to try to catch it properly (in the afternoon, according to instructions). looking at what your CM does before you get a positive can also help you time your tests in the future.


/r/TryingForABaby Thread