Completely freaked out.

I am so sorry man. I feel the same way in a sense except without the phantom female parts and the attraction to females (though I do find myself overcompensating for my attraction to girls more recently. I am 100% straight).

I know I am not trans. It's objectively not true because what I am experiencing clearly isn't dysphoria or whatever. I just keep having this self-doubting thought of 'what if all the science and facts is wrong and you are trans'. I know for a fact that I am not, however, as previously mentioned.

It just fucking sucks and I hope it all goes away soon. This has never happened to me before - even before all this happened I have contemplated the idea of being trans but I knew I wasn't at the time and left it at that. Now I just have this constant weight at the back of my mind constantly shoving that claim onto me.

/r/tOCD Thread