Why This Computer Scientist Says All Cryptocurrency Should “Die in a Fire”

My boss has been buying up crypto all month and asking me about "hard wallets" and talking about buying some Bitcoin and just storing it in a safe on a hard wallet, like it's silver. I had to explain to him that an offline wallet is basically just an encrypted hard drive/storage device you keep the currency on and is therefore at risk of things like data corruption or even contact corrosion if exposed to moisture. He just... couldn't get what I was trying to tell him, it's like when I start talking about anything involving computers his eyes just glaze over and his brain starts playing old reruns of MASH.

So I told him to picture storing cash in a safe that wasn't fire-proof. If your house burns down, is the money reliably going to be ok? Probably not. A "hard wallet" can get lost, thrown away, become corrupted, corrode, etc. It's just as at risk as any other form of stored value, just in different ways.

/r/TrueReddit Thread Link - currentaffairs.org